Twin Quasar – Gravitational lensing

40mnn exposure (L:8x300s)
Acquired on the 17th of March 2020 with 8″ ONTC

Setup: TS ONTC 200/800, 2″ Feathertouch, AZ-EQ6, QHY163m gain=100, OAG-M, QHYCFW2-M, AstroLink 4 mini. Software: APT, Stellarium, PHD2

A twin quasar!?? gravitationally lensed ?!! Well… it seems to be a good excuse for imaging the field…

Quasars in Virgo cluster

4h40 exposure (L:56x300s)
Acquired on the 28th of February 2019 with Samyang 135mm

Setup: Samyang 135mm F/2, AZ-EQ6, QHY163m gain=100, QHYCFW2-M, AstroLink 4 mini, QHY5L2M. Software: APT, Stellarium scope, EQ MOD, PHD2

In previous post was described a method to identify Quasars using Aladin Destop software.
The method is now applied on this wide field image (central part of Virgo galaxy cluster) which has been annotated accordingly in orange.

Virgo cluster – L

4h40 exposure (L:56x300s)
Acquired on the 28th of February 2019 with Samyang 135mm

Matériel: Samyang 135mm F/2, AZ-EQ6, QHY163m gain=100, QHYCFW2-M, AstroLink 4 mini, QHY5L2M. Acquisition : APT, Stellarium scope, EQ MOD, PHD2

L’amas de la Vierge est un amas de galaxies situé entre 50 et 70 millions d’années lumière de la Voie Lactée.

NGC253 – RVB

NGC253 située dans le sculteur
RVB 1h20 en x40 2mn
Acquise le 04 decembre 2016

Matériel: TS UNC 200/800, AZ-EQ6, EOS100D astrodon, USB Focus, MPCC3, DO, Lodestar
Acquistion : APT, Stellarium scope, EQ MOD, PHD2

NGC1300 – RVB

NGC1300 située dans l’Eridan
RVB 1h42 en x18 3mn
Acquise le 04 decembre 2016


Matériel: TS UNC 200/800, AZ-EQ6, EOS100D astrodon, USB Focus, MPCC3, DO, Lodestar
Acquistion : APT, Stellarium scope, EQ MOD, PHD2

M33 – RVB

Galaxie du Triangle – M33 située dans le Triangle
RVB 1h20 en x16 5mn
Acquise le 21 octobre 2016


Matériel: TS UNC 200/800, AZ-EQ6, EOS100D astrodon, USB Focus, MPCC3, DO, Lodestar
Acquistion : APT, Stellarium scope, EQ MOD, PHD2