Asteroids around IC443

5h exposure (Ha:30x600s)
Acquired from the 30th to the 31st of December 2019 with Samyang 135mm
From 09:56 pm to 04:22 am GMT+1

Setup: Samyang 135mm F/2, AZ-EQ6, QHY163m gain=100, QHYCFW2-M, AstroLink 4 mini, QHY5L2M. Software: APT, Stellarium scope, EQ MOD, PHD2

This image has mainly been acquired for future HOO/SHO mix. But the region is also located on the ecliptic plan giving some interest for looking at possible solar system objects. Let’s see if the Ha filter may have some influence on the detectivity of possible asteroids…

NGC6992-6995 Ha

Dentelles du Cygne – NGC6992 – NGC6995 située dans le Cygne
140mn de pose en x14 10mn en bande Ha 12nm
Acquise le 23 juin 2016

Matériel: TS UNC 200/800, AZ-EQ6, EOS100D astrodon, Ha 12nm EOS clip, USB Focus, MPCC3, DO, Lodestar
Acquistion : APT, Stellarium scope, EQ MOD, PHD2
Traitement d’image : Accumulation => Recuperation couche R=> Courbe en S => Saturation